Wednesday, February 22, 2017

72 Hour Prayer Vigil

March 10-12

March 10-12 an outside consultant will be meeting with a dozen leaders from our church. We will be seeking God's will for a 3-5 year vision and strategic plan. Why? So we can become better and more focused "fishers of men". It's not about our preferences, but the mission of reaching people far from God with the hope found in Christ.

We are bringing in outside help to work through a structured process, but this is a spiritual endeavor that together we will seek the Lord’s will in. This is where you come in. During the weekend, we would like to cover the entire weekend in prayer with one or more people praying in 30-minute increments for 72 hours.

We would ask you to specifically pray for three things during 30 minutes.

1. Ask God to reveal His presence and His vision to the leaders gathering. We don't want to go where God is not leading. Moses said to God: “If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here.” Exodus 33:15‬

2. Ask the Lord for wisdom to make wise plans to courageously implement and go where He is pointing. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9‬

3. Ask the Lord to soften your heart and preferences (we all have them!) and courageously be willing to change, if needed, to be more effective together in the mission of Christ. The mission is truly greater than the sacrifice!

Membership Class

Saturday, February 25th at 9:00am
includes continental breakfast

Becoming a member of our church is simple. It begins with a single class spent meeting new people and learning all about our church and what we have to offer you and your family. To register for the upcoming class, please email or call the church office at 626-339-7378.

Operation Christmas Child


The Operation Christmas Child team will be meeting for the first time this year on Thursday, February 23rd at 6:30pm in the church lounge. If you would like to find out about this ministry, we welcome you. No commitment! Just come to find out if you would be interested. We'd love to include more people in this ministry. We don't meet often at this time of the year but there are plans that need to be made. Hope you can join us!

AMP Conference

Friday, February 24 - Saturday, February 25

A two-day conference to help you share your testimony, reach loved ones, and live out the Great Commission in everyday life. Friday, February 24 - Saturday, February 25 at Christ's Church of the Valley in San Dimas. Speakers include Sean McDowell, Craig Hazen, Anjeanette Roberts, and more! Tickets range from $40-$65. Register online at

Men's Conference


Cost: $220.00 Economy Lodging

Deposit: $75.00 due by March 5, 2017 to reserve your spot. Deposits are non-refundable. Final payment of $145.00 due by Sunday, October 1, 2017.

Registrations made after March 6, 2017 must be made on an individual basis online ( or by phone (call Hume at 559-305-7770). When registering be sure you say you are rooming with JOEL DIAZ, in economy lodging to be placed in same room or nearby with those from Christ First.

Contact persons: Joel Diaz, ( or Hector Ramirez, (

Men, this is a time you will not want to miss so start planning now to make arrangements to be part of this adventure in being a better spiritual leader in your life, family, church, and community.

Blackwood Brothers

Sunday, March 26th at 6:00pm

Mark your calendar! The Blackwood Brothers are coming in March!

Visit for more information about the Blackwood Brothers Quartet.

2016 Annual Report

Our 2016 annual report is now available!

Copies will also be available on the information table.

Service Opportunities

We have many opportunities for you to serve. Serving is a great way to connect with our church family, grow in the Lord, and serve the guests God sends to our church.

Preschool - Come help out during the 9:00am or 11:00am service with our preschool students. For more information, please contact Patsy Prough or contact the church office at or 626-339-7378.

Classic Service Media OperatorImmediate opening for media operators to run the projection slides from our tech computer. Two Sundays/month. Training provided. For more info, please contact Ron Holt at or 626-339-7378.

Giving Report

Click “Give Online” at

1. Text "give [amount]" to 1-626-243-7438
2. You will receive a response text with instructions to confirm your donation.

For more detailed instructions, please pick up a green eGive flyer from the information table.

Weekly need $ 10,442.31
Week’s giving     $  5,495.34
Year to date need $ 78,846.58
Year to date giving  $ 84,443.45
Percent of budget   107%

Mark Your Calendar!

Saturday, February 25 — Membership Class at 9:00am
Sunday, March 5 — Community Group Leaders Huddle at 12:30pm
Monday, March 6 — Ramon Circle at 9:30am in the Lounge
Thursday, March 9 — XYZ Senior Luncheon at 11:30am
Sunday, March 26 — The Blackwood Brothers at 6:00pm

Prayer Connection 2/26/17


Dick Allen – Pray for Chris,  she has that terrible cough and cold.


Maxine Depweg – Lord be with all your children dealing with financial, health and personal issues.  May they feel your loving arms around them providing guidance and strength.


Benjamin Garcia – Pray for Donna Wilson and family in the loss of their loved one, Warren.


Paul Hermann – Pray for sale of my Riverside house, may have to evict renters.


Bev M. Hom-Tsao.  My prayers and blessings go out to the families dealing with very difficult health issues and losses during this time.  Prayer for Hardy Headden to continue to do well in his physical and occupational therapies.  Pray that Hardy and Deleores find some additional help so their sons can return to their families.  The Headden’s thank everyone for their cards of support and prayers. Please keep Shirley and Bob Dunlap in prayer as they await Shirley’s results on 2/15.


Ken & Mary Johnson – Please pray for Ken as he under goes radiation therapy for skin cancer.


Susan Kapoh – Pray for family.  Pray for myself as I am waiting to have three surgeries in the next few months, that everything will go well and no complications.


Dave & Carol Miller – Pray for our grandaughter Brittany to have Radio Active Iodine treatment on March 7th, she will have to be in isolation for 3 days at City of Hope.


Nadine Miller – Pray for my mom at a rehabilitation center, she needs strength to get on her feet.


Starr Potter – Pray for the Church Staff, Pastor James and Thiago.  Pray for our nation.


Linda Rickett – Please continue to pray for my son’s admittance to the Dream Center, or Home of Promise.  He is still in a motel near me, but getting anxious to begin his healing, as always Praise God!.  Also the rental I have been waiting for is scheduled again this week for availability.


Dee Rippetoe – Please pray for my daughter, Katy, as she deals with her personal issues.  Please keep her in prayer for healing.


Bob & Lana Stephens – Pray for our nation and our leaders.  Pray for Donna Wilson and all those that are grieving the loss of a loved one.  Pray for unsaved family members.


Constance Vazquez – Pray for Martha Nevarez to keep progressing on her journey to learning how to walk again with her prosthetic legs so that she can get back to serving the Lord in a more active way.


Velma Walton – Please pray for all families and continue praying for the USA and all the sick and shut ins.


Anonymous – Thank God for all his blessings. Pray for our leaders, that they make decision according to God’s will.  Pray that I will find a new job that offers benefits and pays more.  Pray for my mortgage payment, that I will get lower payments.  Pray for all people that are being persecuted because of loving Jesus.


Anonymous – Please pray for a Christ centered testimony to those I encounter.


Sharanne Wick – Thank you dear friends, my sisters and brothers in Christ. I praise God for your faithfulness in prayer.  It has helped me heal and your cards lifted my spirits.  God is Good His love endures forever!
Bonnie Lesley - Wendy, I and the family wish to thank you for your loving care through cards, phone calls, visits, food and prayers.  We feel truly grateful that you were there for us in our time of need and want you to know that we love and appreciate you all.


We want to thank everyone for their continuous and faithfulness in prayer and care for those in need during the past year. Your prayers, cards and constant love and care have supported our church, families and loved ones. Many have been touched by your special attention. Thanks to each one of you for your assistance, help and support. It's truly a ministry where God can, and has, used you.


Sharon Andress passed away Monday, February 20th. Please keep the family in prayer.
Warren Wilson passed away 2/21.  Please keep Donna and family in prayer.


Barbara Anderson  Moving 2/27 to a group home, Saint Elizabeth #2.  Doing pretty good. pray for her continued road to recovery. Appreciates all cards and visitors.

Janelle Baker (daughter of Diane Okura)  Saw her surgeon and he wants her to be stronger before starting chemo.  She continues to do well at home but is still having pain, though it is less.

Thelma Blake At home; she is doing better and feels much stronger. She is walking regularly with both her cane and walker. Continued prayers and cards welcome.

Don Burns Doing well.  Has appointment with doctor on 2/27 to take a photo of the left retina to look for swelling or liquid behind the eye.  If clear, no shot will be needed.

Rosie Creel Back surgery on 2/7 went well; no more pain; healing. Will see doctor on 2/22. Rosie and Gene thank you for your prayers, cards, and well wishes and they hope to return to church as soon as Rosie is up to it.

Shirley Dunlap Larger biopsy scheduled for 3/1 at 8:30 am to determine type of lymphoma and treatment that will follow once type has been determined.  Results forthcoming following week of 3/6. Continued prayers appreciated.

George Galindo Had blood work done on 2/24;  3/16 will get results of all tests.

Marge Hansen Partial knee replaced; pray for healing and for pain to subside.

Hardy Headden Doing as well as can be expected.  This week is the last week of physical therapy.  Appreciates continued prayers and cards.

Nancy Hughes Cancer treatments ongoing, feeling good, back at work.

Bill Keener (Tommie Jean Rudy’s daughter-in-law’s father) Continued to pray for Bill, Loretta and family during Bill's chemo treatments.

Gayle Kersh Continued prayers as she faces challenges with her family and her health.

Ordelia Loyd  Is improving physically and in cognitive abilities; continuing in therapy for both.  Pray for son and daughter-in-law as they care for her.

Brittany Moreo (Dave and Carol Miller’s granddaughter) March 7 will be given radioactive iodine pill at City of Hope, followed by three days in isolation.  She continues in good spirits but pray these treatments will destroy any cancer cells left in her body.

Minerva Singleton Recovering from 1/18 surgery; starts chemo on 2/15, followed by radiation. Appreciates prayers.

Velma Walton Prayer for continued healing from fall.

Alice Watkins Moved to Regency Grand. Welcomes visitors and cards.

Sharanne Wick  At church 2/26.  appreciates prayers to continue to give her strength.


Dick Alexander At home; has Alzheimer’s; does not come to church anymore for this reason (uncomfortable, unsure of self). However, physically gets around ok (slowing down); no walker. Please pray for his wife, Elayne, as she is his caregiver 24/7. No visitors!

Flavia Black Pray they can keep her pain down.

Bob Collins Bedridden. Continued prayers are welcome.

Aline Daniels Continue to pray for comfort, peace and strength in her daily life.

Peter Giacoletti (family to Joe and Karen Babineau) has gone into home hospice for stage 4 cancer throughout his body; prayers would be appreciated for Pete and his family.

Barbara Ragan Still unable to drive her car or walk a distance.  Continued prayers for strength in her leg and back are appreciated.

Dee Rippetoe (Billings, MT) Doing well.  Need prayers to keep improving in her walking.

Jackie Spotswood Continue to pray for Jackie's strength and endurance from the Lord as she is under home hospice care. Prayers for husband, Bob, for courage and strength.

La Nelle Stutte Dementia (enjoys visitors).

Ann Turner Pray for comfort and strength.

If you know someone we should remember, please contact
Interim Care Ministry Team Leader: Bev M. Hom-Tsao (626) 271-5352